Balcones Escarpment shaped the State of Texas and the City of Balcones Heights

A link to our history!

The City of Balcones Heights got its name when Spanish explorer Bernardo de Miranda y Flores left San Antonio for the hill country in 1756 and encountered a series of balconies. So the story begins of the history of Balcones Heights. The rich history is chronicled in the book: Balcones Heights-a Crossroads of San Antonio, a history of the City (Lewis F Fisher) 

What is an escarpment? How did the Balconies Escarpment shape the State of Texas and the City of Balcones Heights?
Express-News staff write Ricardo Delgado shared the history of the Balcones Escarpment in the February 13, 2024 article: Why does the Balcones Escarpment matter? It’s ‘where the West begins.’ (